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The Internship of Sociologists Students in a Public/Private Sector Business or a Non-Governmental Organization is held, after a call for participation, during the Winter and Spring Semester of each Academic Year. It is a course of choice, lasting 3 months and the working hours of the students are 20 hours a week. The University insures and compensates students for their participation in the program.

The internal selection criteria concern: (a) the prerequisite courses defined by the sectors; and (b) the number of teaching units. Priority to participate in the internship of the Department of Sociology is the senior students. In addition to some positions, basic knowledge of computer skills and satisfactory English language skills is required. The positions offered by the agencies are focused on research, secretarial support, human resources management and public relations. Internship is carried out at all universities through the Central Support System for Students Exercise under the name ATLAS and for this reason the registration of the students is required at https://submit-atlas.grnet.gr, in the category undergraduate student. For any questions or clarifications related to their registration, students may contact the Assistance Office at 215 215 7860, Mon-Fri. 09: 00-17: 00.

The choice of the students is made after an interview conducted by the supervisors. The General Assembly of the department has appointed as a supervisor of the trainee students one faculty member from each field as follows:

 Department of General Sociology: Professor Tryfonas Costopoulos

 Department of Social Morphology: Assistant Professor Christos Xanthopoulos

 Department of Modern Greek Society: Associate Professor Miltiadis Kipas

 Criminology Department: Professor Grigoris Lazos

The Practical Exercise is conducted under the direction of the Scientific Coordinator. The General Assembly has appointed Professor Tryfon Kostopoulos as Scientific Coordinator.


Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για πρακτικη ασκηση


Ruth Benedict



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Tel.: +30 210 920 1454, +30 210 920 1075
Email: sociology'@'panteion.gr


136, Syggrou ave. 176 71 Kallithea, Greece