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Title/academic status: Professor of Sociology

Sector: General Sociology

Academic field: Sociology of Communication

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +30 210 9201782

Address: Panteion University, DES-KOI building, Ch. Trikoupi 1 & Lagoumitzi, 4th floor, off. D14

Research interests: Contemporary Communication System and Culture, contemporary Myths, Media.

Member in scientific associations: ISA, AISLF, Hellenic Sociological Society.

Courses: 1) Sociology of Communication (communication in everyday life), 2) Representations and Symbolisms of everyday life, media, 3) Sociology of Leisure, 4) Introduction to the Sociology of the Imaginary.

Post graduate course: Social Representations, Identities, Otherness (2nd year of Master of Sociology, Social Exclusion and Human Rights).


Brief CV

Present Position (since Oct. 2007): Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences).


Former Positions: 1993-2007: Ass. Professor & Professor University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1991-1992: Visiting Lecturer University of Rouen, France


1) Sociology (University of Paris V, Sorbonne),

2) Public Law & Political Sciences (National & Capodistrian University of Athens).

Master’s Degrees:

1) Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Paris V,

2) Political Studies, University  of Paris II,

3) Sciences of Information and Communication University  of Paris II,

4)  Sociology of the Law University  of Paris II –Panthéon Sorbonne ;

Doctorate degrees:

1) Doctorate of 3e cycle in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Univ. of Paris V, Sorbonne)

2) Doctorate “d’état” in Sociology (University of Paris V, Sorbonne - October 1990).


Offices held in ISA: RC14 President (2006-2022), member of the Board of RC13 (2010-2014)

Offices held in other organizations: AISLF member of the executive board 1996-2004 & 2008-2016, responsible of RC of Identity and Politics and Political Sociology; 2004-2005 VP of the Hellenic Sociological Association.

Other functions:  scientific responsible of many international conferences and congresses:

Member of the scientific committee of reviews (“Sociétés”, Paris, “Socio-Anthropologie”, Paris, “Sociologies” –on line review, “French Journal for Media Research” –on line review, OJSS on-line review etc.). Article reviewer; councilor for books of Higher Education (Sociology), Pedagogic Institute.  Program Evaluator Key Action Program, E.U. Brussels 1999.

 Knight of the Order of Academic Palms (French Ministry of National Education 2012).   

Author of many scientific articles and monographic works (mostly in Greek, French and English but also translated in Portuguese & Bulgarian) focusing essentially on the communicational structures of contemporary societies.


Selected publications 


Issues of Postmodern Communication (in Greek) Kyriakidis, Thessaloniki 2008.

Sociology of Everyday Life, Introduction to the Sociology of everyday Life (in Greek) Papazisis, Athens 2009, 2012.

TV a virtual coffee-house (in Greek), Papazisis, Athens 2010, 2012

Leisure Time: Myths and Realities, (in Greek), Papazisis, Athens 2010.

Symbols, Archetypes and Phobias, (in Greek), Papazisis, Athens 2011.

Myths and Symbols, Anthropological Approaches and Contemporary Society (in Greek), Papazisis, Athens 2016.


Articles in series, journals and volumes

[« Agoras virtuelles, la démocratie contemporaine » in S. Najar (éd.) Les réseaux sociaux sur Internet à l’épreuve des transitions démocratiques, Karthala, Paris 2013, (p.p. 465-480).

« L’imaginaire démocratique, les blogs en Grèce » in S. Dufoulon (éd.), Internet, ou la boîte à usage, L’Harmattan, Paris 2013 (p.p.95-114)

Constantopoulou Chr., Larochelle L., « Cultural reclassifications and Turkish serials in Greece in crisis» (in Greek) Koinonias Dromena  1/2013, (pp. 34-44).

Constantopoulou Ch., Larochelle D.L. « Réflexions sur un coup d’état audiovisuel. La Grèce des colonels au mémorandum de la Troïka » in French Journal for Media Research 1/2014(

« Cinéma et santé mentale » in O. M. Valastro (ed) Mythanalyses postmodernes de la Santé Mentale, Les Cahiers de Magma -7,  International Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences,  Aracne, Rome, 2014 (pp 101-116).]

« Introduction - Narratives of Crisis: Myths and Realities of the Contemporary Society», French Journal for Media Research, 5/2016

« Introduction - Body, Soul and Myths: on the influence of Japanese Culture to the Contemporary Popular Culture» French Journal for Media Research, 6/2016

 «Introduction : Mises en scène du politique contemporain/
Introduction: Theatricalization of the Contemporary Politics
» French Journal for Media Research 7/2017

 «From the “Agora” to the “Coffee House”: everyday leisure in Greece through the ages» in  Modi I. & Kamphorst T. (eds)  Leisure and Life through the Ages: Studies from Europe, Rawat Publications, N. Delhi 2017.

«Theatricalization of Politics: Aspects of Politics in Media Scenes – Introduction» -  OJSS 1/2017 Center for Open Access in Science (COAS) OPEN JOURNAL FOR SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES (OJSS)  ISSN (Online) 2560-5283. 


Edited Books

Barbaries Contemporaines  L’Harmattan, Paris 2012.

Social Representations, Media and Power (in Greek) Papazisis, Athens 2014.

Médias et Pouvoir, Socioanthropologie du Politique Contemporain L’Harmattan, Paris 2014.

Récits de la crise, mythes et réalités de la société contemporaine,  L’Harmattan (Logiques Sociales), Paris 2017.

Narratives of the Crisis, Myths and Realities of the Contemporary Society, (in Greek) Papazissis, Athens 2017


Conference/meeting announcements (during the last two years) 

Media narratives of the global world,   in the International conference Globalization, New Communication Technologies and Social Transformation: Strategies for the Future, Vivekanand Institute of Professional Studies New Delhi, Feb. 26-28 2017.

Theatricalization of Politics in Contemporary Media and Arts in the 13th ESA Conference (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities' 29/8-1/9/2017, Athens.

Identities and Borders in the Contemporary Society: Media Narratives, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto July 15-21, 2018

Contemporary social ties: Virtual Solidarities? In the International conference Social Structures, Cultures and Institutions in Southern European Societies, Universty of Catania October 4-6, 2018.

Globalized Media Culture and European Values in the international conference European Integration through the Perspective of Cooperation between Civil Society and Local Authorities, University of Skopje, November 6 to 7 2018.


Le numérique “apolitique” et les “politiques d’enseignement” sur le numérique: perspectives européennes στο Colloque international Cultures des médias numériques à l’ère de la diversité SFSCIC - Université de Haute-Alsace, 5-7 December 2018.


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